If you have PCOS like me, you've woken up and faced the mirror, only to discover some new facial hair growth on your chin. For women, this can be a moment never to forget, and honestly, quite horrifying. Most of the women that I know who've experienced hirsutism, excessive facial hair growth caused by excess male hormones, have resorted to shaving daily, which can be time-consuming, irritating to the skin, and just downright depressing.
Many women with facial hair growth have been diagnosed (or undiagnosed) with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 1), which affects one out of ten women, according to womenshealth.gov. In short, women with PCOS can experience multiple bubble-like cysts that form on the surface of one or both ovaries. These cysts are eggs that are partially mature but do not release and remain in their follicles. The unfortunate result of this means that the egg cannot become fertilized, making PCOS one of the leading causes of infertility in women. Some of the other PCOS symptoms include infrequent or irregular periods, acne due to excess male hormones, and 50% will develop Type 2 Diabetes before the age of 40.
The good news is that Tria Beauty's line of hair removal lasers can help reduce hair growth in women with excess (or unwanted) hair. As we see in the video (posted below) that guest stars customer Amruta Ray from pcos_made_me_do_it on Instagram, she can control the excess hair growth on her chin area with regular use of the Tria 4X Hair Removal Laser. Amruta uses the laser once every two weeks on hair growth areas and has noticed a considerable difference in about five treatments or 2.5 months. Less hair on the chin has made Amruta very happy and more confident in her appearance!
The 4X laser targets the pigment in the hair follicle, just like professional lasers in a clinical setting. The disabled hair begins to fall out, leaving behind more touchable, softer skin. Over time, the laser permanently disables the hair follicles' ability to regrow hair. It is important to notethat women with PCOS will most likely not experience permanent hair loss with the laser due to the excess male hormones in the body. The laser can help manage the hair growth, and the facial areas will need to be treated on an ongoing basis.
September is PCOS Awareness Month, and we would like to invite women that have had success with our Precision or 4X Laser to talk about your experiences on Instagram Live. Watch our video below to learn more about Amruta's experience with laser hair removal.
50% of women go undiagnosed with PCOS, according to US News. If you experience any of the symptoms we mentioned above, consult your gynecologist to request testing.